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Enrolling Your Teen In Online High School: How To Help Them Excel

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If you've decided to enroll your teen in an online high school, you've made the right decision. Online high schools are an excellent way to give your teen the education they need for their future. When your teen is enrolled in an online high school, you don't need to worry about pandemic interruptions. Since your teen is already enrolled online, there are no transitions to worry about. But, you do need to make sure that your teen has the tools they need to excel in an online learning program. If you've never enrolled your teen in an online education program before, read the tips provided here. You'll find four steps that will help your teen excel in their online high school.

Create the Right Environment

If you want to help your teen succeed in their online high school, start with the right environment for them. That doesn't mean you need to create a classroom for them. But, you do need to remove as many distractions as possible. It's also important that you provide them with the right tools. This should include a desk, comfortable chair, and adequate lighting. Once your teen has the right environment for learning, they can excel in their studies. 

Encourage Frequent Breaks

If your teen is going to attend online high school, don't forget about the breaks. You might not think that your teen needs brain breaks throughout the day, but that's not the case. In a traditional school setting, your teen would have breaks during the school day. This would include the time it would take to get to each classroom. But, it would also include lunch and passing periods. To help your teen avoid daily burnout, give them several breaks throughout the school day. 

Set Daily and Weekly Goals

If you're going to enroll your teen in an online high school, you want to create an atmosphere for personal responsibility. One way to do that is through the use of daily and weekly goals. Once a week, sit down and discuss educational goals your teen wants to reach. They should have daily educational goals, and weekly educational goals. 

Make Room for Flexibility

If your teen is ready to begin an online high school program, make room for flexibility. This is especially important where extracurricular activities, or after-school jobs are concerned. Adding some flexibility to the schedule will give your teen time for some of the high school they might want to take part in. 
